China is more fucked up than you can imagine: Opinion

China is more fucked up than you can imagine.

Let’s start with one fact.

There are associations in China that kidnap children, burn their faces, cut their limbs off, and then put them on the streets to beg in order to earn money for whatever egregious reasons they may have. Maybe he needed to buy a new pair of breasts for his third girlfriend.

Top 10 Problems in Chinese Society

  1. 信仰缺失: Lack of credibility
  2. 看客心态: “Being a bystander,” or being selfish
  3. 社会焦虑: Anxiety over work, life and social status
  4. 习惯性怀疑: Habitual distrust
  5. 炫富心态: Ostentatiousness
  6. 审丑心理: Glorifying and reveling in social scandals
  7. 娱乐至死: Hedonism
  8. 暴戾狂躁: Extreme, violent and anti-social behavior
  9. 网络依赖: Over-reliance on the Internet
  10. 自虐心态: Masochism

China is becoming more unequal as it gets richer, with about a third of the country’s wealth now concentrated in the hands of 1% of its citizens, according to new research.

A report by the Peking University Institute of Social Science concludes that while China is getting richer as a whole – the average net worth of a Chinese household rose 17% between 2010 and 2012 to $71,000 (£42,000) – inequality is a serious and growing problem.

China’s Gini coefficient, a widely used indicator of economic inequality, has grown sharply over the past two decades.

A Gini coefficient of zero represents absolute equality, while one represents absolute inequality. About 20 years ago, China’s Gini coefficient for family net wealth was 0.45, but by 2012 it had risen to 0.73.

According to some analysts, societies that have a Gini coefficient of more than 0.40 are at increased risk of widespread social unrest. Data from the OECD gives the US the highest Gini coefficient in the G7, after taxes and transfers, at 0.39, followed by the UK at 0.34 and Italy at 0.32.

It’s easy to criticize China.

Look at the pollution. Look at the food safety issues. Look at the overpopulation in tier 1 cities.

Here’s a suggestion.

Why don’t you stop complaining about the dirty air, and think about what it would be like to be child in the countryside, abandoned by your parents, barely able to get a few grains of rice? (You can leave China whenever you want. They cannot).

Would you go crazy?

They have gone crazy.

According to a 2001–2005 survey from the Shanghai Mental Health Center, 6% of the population of six major Chinese cities suffers from lifelong symptoms of depression (5% is the global average). Studies on the rural population indicate even higher percentages, especially among the elderly and the children who are “left-behind” by their migrant worker parents. A survey in Heilongjiang province indicates that upwards of 50% of the “left-behind” children suffer from depression and anxiety.


Who is brave enough to tackle all 10 of these Chinese societal problems? Shall we continue criticizing the Chinese government?

Why don’t you try running a country that has been through destruction, revolution, rebirth, opening up, and now innovation that the rest of the world can barely keep up with, all within 60 years.

Mental illness is a huge problem in China. But there are some things that are even more important, including starvation.

While an 18 year old girl whose face has been completely disfigured by plastic surgery sits in LaFerrari in the depths of Beijing’s clubbing district thinking about the next Birkin bag she will get from her sugar daddy, children in the countrysides are barely able to get enough nutrition.

China is more fucked up than you can imagine.

Source: User YX from Medium