Heavy clashes in Baghlan province between Taliban and Resistance forces

Reports indicates of heavy clashes in the Andarab, Baghlan province between People’s Resistance Groups and the Taliban.

Two days ago, the local people along with the resistance forces recaptured the 4 districts in Baghlan from Taliban, but the Taliban retaliated and many civilians, including women and children, were reportedly killed.

In a viral video posted by Taliban terrorists warned the resistance “We are heading toward Panjshir, we have given them 4 hours, if they surrender, everything will be fine. Otherwise we will punish.” The video showed large convoy of Taliban vehicles and arround 3000+ talibani men moved into the area to recapture the lost Territories.

Instead after the gruesome battle more than 12 talib-terrorists were killed and two heavy vehicles Hammers burned to the ground by the guerrilla fighters of Ahmad Massoud in Kapisa province. As per the local sources.

The Taliban have made every effort today to retake the lost districts of Baghlan, but in the clashes with the People’s Resistance Forces, heavy casualties were inflicted to the Taliban and they retreated almost two kilometers back.

A resident of the area says the Taliban fired on many children and women as they retreated.