Top 5 Reasons to Build your PC in July 2020.

Welcome, to IFE News Network. Our tech experts are happy to help with their years of expertise. Build Your own PC today.

Welcome to IFE News Network. Our tech experts are happy to help with their years of expertise.

Are you the “someone” who wants to buy a new PC but still sitting on the fence whether to buy a pre-built computer or just build one on your own? Don’t worry we are here to help.

We have organized the common thought process, which comes up into everyone’s mind regarding making the correct decision before investing your hard-earned money on computers. So here are our top 10 reasons to build your PC at home rather than opting for a pre-built PC readily available in the market.

First of all keep this in mind, that anyone can build a PC with just following the written procedures which are very simple indeed and basic knowledge about screwing and removing screws with a screwdriver. It is that simple. IFE News Tech experts have provided several interesting advice in this regard on our website.

1) Cost-Effective, Budget Friendly Solution:

A pre-built PC from big brands are always coming at the cost much more than the actual market price. Always keep this in mind. When a system is prebuilt in these mass manufacturing corporate sectors many different parts are been modified to fit the company’s available resources.

And this is the reason you will find common parts like an SMPS – Power supply unit will be very different from the ones which are readily available in the open market. The design and manufacturing coast will be added to your bill at the end of the day. Just to give you an example.

If the cost of a home-built gaming pc is around 30,000 rupees then the cost of pre-built PC in the market will be at least 40-50,000 rupees. This 10,000 rupees bump in price tag can be spent on a valuable 24 inch 1080P gaming monitor. Or you can even upgrade your graphic card too much faster ones with this 10-20,000 rupees. That will be a huge upgrade for you in the long run.

Simply put your home-built PC can have the same or better performance than the pre-built PCs available on market for very little money.

2) Advantage of further upgrades:

We saw in our first point how our home-built PCs can be very cost-effective. But you should also understand the advantage of the further upgrade in the future as per your need and budget.

When you built your PC with that experience you can easily upgrade your computer parts with ease. When you buy a prebuilt PC you won’t have these experiences you have to rely on the customer service provided by these companies.

Because the parts used may not be available in the market other than their outlets. As in the previous points I have mentioned how some parts can be modified by the company to fit their workflow. Which may not be easier for the people who want to use it.

On the other hand, when you build your PC you can search for the parts online or at your local shops and come home to replace it. A simple but life-changing advantage. Don’t you think?

3)Hand picks the best quality parts for your PC:

A very important aspect of building your PC is that you are in full control over the selection of parts. You will have a wide range of options to choose from. You can list out the best parts from different brands and build it into one smart PC with updated hardware and software.

In the PC world, high-cost does not mean high quality. There are lots of low coast solutions to do the same or better job which suits your workflow. And maintain your build on the budget yet keep your home-built PC updated. Keep a close eye on our future articles which will focus on the budget components you can use it for your new PC build or even for upgrading your old ones.

4) Keep Your PC cooler than ever:
An important aspect of your PC’s health is the cooling system. Computer parts are meant for superior computing operations which involves the constant supply of electricity throughout your system components. Like motherboard, CPU, GPU, etc.

Which in turn produces heat. Now, this heat produced will be confined to a box (cabinet). Without proper cooling systems, your computer’s efficiency will be hindered or even put users in a hazardous situation at times.

Most of the pre-built PCs come with poor cooling systems which are meant to be a cost-effective measure for manufacturing.

But when you build your PC you can opt for the better cooling fan, the number of cooling fans for your cabinet may be better heat-sink for your CPU, or at best you can create your liquid cooling system. I use a liquid cooling system that cools my CPU, GPU at the same time. I will share my thoughts with you on building your cooling solutions in future articles.

5) No need to spend for servicing your computer:

A very important aspect of building your PC is the experience you gain. This experience will stay with you for the years to come. This will help you to service your computers.

Minor errors and defects in computer parts are very common factors. Your new pre-built PC parts might just fail in a matter of hours or days.

Without any PC building experience, you will have to depend upon these private company services and wait till they arrive to fix or replace these parts. While if you built it on your own you can easily replace the parts from where you bought this particular part from and make your PC work. Its that simple.

There are many other reasons for you to build your PC at home than to buy a Pre-Built desktop computer which comes with old and outdated parts. Your Home built PC to give you full control over the system and its operation which will be tailor-made to fit your requirements and your need. We have amazing articles coming up on budget PC build. I benefited from building my PC from scratch. Hope my experience and expertise of our tech team will help you and benefit millions who can not afford a Mac or pre-built Gaming PC.