Watch Iranian Rockets Target US Embassy In Iraq

Rockets target US embassy, first after month of truce: security source to our IFE News Network(

Few minutes ago Video shows missiles of the armed militias loyal to Iran are targeting the US embassy in Baghdad, Iraq and the C-RAM system in the embassy is trying to protect the embassy.

Reporters in Baghdad heard several loud blasts echoing from the Green Zone, followed by rapid-fire bursts and red flares indicating the US embassy’s C-RAM rocket defence system was deployed.

The blasts came just hours after US Secretary of State Mile Pompeo – who relayed the threat to close the embassy last month, called MA Kadhimi to discuss bilateral ties.

It also came just as US was announcing troop drawdowns in Iraq & Afghanistan to lowest level in years. AFP News sources said.

Acting Pentagon chief Christopher Miller said Tuesday that the United States, as desired by President Donald Trump, will reduce its military presence in Afghanistan to 2,500 troops and 2,500 troops in Iraq by January 15, 2021.

Photos of the missile platform that targeted the area of the US embassy in Baghdad. The platform consists of nine Katyusha missile bases inside a Kia truck.

The missiles targeted the US Embassy in Baghdad and were fired by armed militias loyal to Iran.