Russian Media Tass: Chinese PLA lost 45 soldiers in Galwan Valley

Cat is out of the box! Finally, Russian Media exposed the actual causality figures inflicted on the Chinese people’s liberation army by the Indian Troop in Galwan Valley last year. To date, the Chinese officials have not confirmed the actual casualties on their side. All in all, tried to bury the queries under the carpet. While Indian Army, which was unprepared when the outnumbered Chinese troops abused, have accepted the day itself. Here is what the Russian Media posted regarding the later disengagement between Indian and Chinese troops from the standoff points in Galwan Valley. Before the here are some background of the incident.

Galwan Valley incident:

In late May, Chinese forces objected to Indian road construction in the Galway river valley. According to Indian sources, melee fighting on 15/16 June 2020 resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers (including an officer) and casualties of 43 Chinese soldiers (including the death of an officer). Which was again not confirmed to date by the Chinese side.

The Tass report on Chinese Casualty figures:

Media reports stated t

hat soldiers were taken captive on both sides and released in the coming few days. On the Indian side, ten soldiers were reported to have been taken captive while the Chinese numbers remain unconfirmed. Later the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Indian Army denied any detention of Indian soldiers.

But all along the Chinese denied any casualties figures that too while attacking unprepared Indian soldiers. As the causality figures are double in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army side, shows how well trained and fit the Indian troops are. On the other way around how the Chinese soldiers were poorly trained and are week even having the element of surprise on their side. Not to mention the prepared Chinese soldier’s numbers the Indian troops, also the Chinese troops were armed with spears and body armor for a melee attack.


But now the cat is out of the bag! Chinese stand exposed today. They have lost 45 PLA soldiers including an officer. With some captured by the Indian Side. No wonder today Chinese have disengaged from the military standoff flashpoints in Ladakh sectors.

With inputs from Tass and Wikipedia on Galwan Valley incident.