
Hackers steal Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine data in Europe

U.S. drugmaker Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech said on Wednesday that documents related to development of their COVID-19 vaccine had been “unlawfully accessed”...

‘Mystery illness’ in India is neurotoxic poisoning, initial reports say

Traces of heavy metal such as lead and nickel found in blood of victims of mass poisoning A "mystery illness” that killed one person and...

Canada Will Let Health Care Professionals Legally Use Psychedelic Mushrooms

Canada Will Let Health Care Professionals Legally Use Psychedelic Mushrooms, Health Minister Says Canada will allow a handful of health care professionals to possess and...

France confirms outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu

The French farm ministry said on Tuesday that highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu had been found on a duck farm in the southwest of...

Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé named top plastic polluters for third year in a row

Coca-Cola branding was found on 13,834 pieces of plastic, with PepsiCo branding on 5,155 and Nestlé branding on 8,633. Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé have been...

US Pharma giant Pfizer halves vaccine supply estimate

US pharma giant Pfizer has said that it will deliver 50 million doses this year of its COVID-19 vaccine, which was developed by German firm BioNTech. The new forecast represents...

Former Harvard researcher pleads guilty to smuggling cancer research to China

Zaosong Zheng, a former researcher at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, pleaded guilty in federal court Thursday to lying to customs officials following...

UK approves Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and could begin vaccinations next week

The UK has become the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for widespread use. The Medicines and Healthcare Products...

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Ukrainian Generals Are Disappearing, Zelynsky tight lipped

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China is more fucked up than you can imagine: Opinion

China is more fucked up than you can imagine. Let’s start with one fact. There are associations in China that kidnap...

Taiwan is currently encircled by the Chinese military, Invasion?

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Ukrainian Generals Are Disappearing, Zelynsky tight lipped

Something big is happening! Has Zaluzhny been liquidated? Where...

China is more fucked up than you can imagine: Opinion

China is more fucked up than you can imagine. Let’s...