US buckles, supports India’s move to a waiver of IP rights of COVID-19 vaccines

Prime Minister Narendra Modi government leaving no stone unturned in the fight against the Chinese Virus COVID-19

US decision to support India’s move for waiver of IP rights of COVID-19 vaccines is a very significant moment in the battle against the pandemic.

The government of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi pitched for waiver of Intellectual Property Rights of COVID-19 vaccine. Over 100 US Congressmen supported India’s stand.

Last night the American President Joe Biden announced the waiver. It will help the entire world and specifically India, being the largest vaccine hub.

India took the lead to get this done and over 100 US Senators and Congressmen had supported India’s move before the US officially agreed. This is a huge diplomatic success for India. Which has not been highlighted by the Indian Media properly.

The United States government has also agreed to distribute a stockpile of unused vaccines to the developing world. Once again India has played a huge role in bending an arrogant superpower like the US. Which earlier selfishly banned any export of critical raw materials used in the making of the Anti- Chinese Virus vaccine.

Global superpower the US, under the fire for hoarding vaccines more than three times the population. India has launched the world’s largest vaccine program to vaccinate its 1.3 billion population. And help the world to fight back the Chinese coronavirus ‘COVID-19’.