World’s First 64-Core PRO Workstation Processor from AMD

World’s First 64-Core PRO Workstation Processor from AMD
World’s First 64-Core PRO Workstation Processor from AMD

The Mighty 64 core AMD Ryzen Threadripper announced. Here is all you want to know.

This is unbelievable. What AMD has achieved in just a span of 3 years from 2017 is just an amazing story to tell. Massive disruption in the PC Market ever witnessed. Decades of total control and rule by Intel have finally come to an end in 2017 when AMD announced its Zen Architect Ryzen CPUs.

Which changed the rules of the games.

Till then consumers had no choice but to buy Intel’s heavily refreshed and refined 14nm processor with minor improvements here and there but with the high price tag.

The high tech PC enthusiast community had to pay a heavy price for a 4 core 8 thread processor used in their streaming or productivity platform. But everything changed when AMD made the 4 core as its lower end slab. AMD increased its share to 18% of the PC market in a very short span. People just had to make a valid and reasonable choice.

AMD’s Announcement:

Just a year ago AMD’s share was a mere 6-8 %. Or even less as per some experts. That’s a huge bump with their Ryzen CPU.

Now in 2020, AMD has created yet another disruption in the PC market.

On July 14th AMD has made a new announcement about its 64 cores Threadripper PRO Processors.

In total 4 AMD’s Threadripper PRO processors available for the consumers.

This CPU is built upon AMD’s Pro Technology and tailor-made for the enthusiast community. It comes with unrivaled bandwidth for taking advantage of its full spectrum causalities to compute its heavily threaded tasks. In a nutshell, it will be made for the techies, professionals like those in the field of data science, artists, filmmakers, etc.

New Threadripper PRO:

With its Ryzen CPU, it has set a standard for the regular user market. Now again AMD has set a standard for the professional workstations market. AMD during its announcement has said that these processors are capable of extreme top-notch performance.

With its high core counts and wide bandwidth support and also allows seamless data management with well-secured data protection systems. Taking a pot shot at Intel CPU’s security breach concerns but who cares? We as consumers have all the good reasons to rejoice these battles between Intel and AMD.

Inter partnership agreement between AMD and Lenovo:

AMD and Lenovo announced that this 64 Core 3995WX Threadripper will be available from the latest Lenovo Think Station P620 (a Workstation PC series offered by Lenovo). Lenovo has promised that 3995WX delivers unbelievable performance, flexibility in a single processor chassis. So if you like to buy one here is your opportunity.

Performance Review:

Amazing AMD’s Threadripper PRO 3995WX focused built for most difficult computing tasks and in most demanding environments preferred by professionals.

Processor capable of rendering and editing 8k video files while rendering multifaceted AI(Artificial Intelligence), processing large numbers of difficult codes. These can be done faster and far smoother than before. Saving precious time and money like never before. Surpassing Intel’s dual-processor systems at very less cost. Just let this sink in your mind. To understand the capability of this processor and why I called it a game-changer.

Unique features :

  • The AMD’s Threadripper PRO 3995WX is the world’s first professional processor which can support Generation 4 PCIe. Which indeed maximize the storage capacity and graphical power than ever before.

  • Taking advantage of its PCIe4 this new processor has 128 lanes with massive bandwidth. AMD claims it as 2.5 percent more than what intel can offer with a dual CPU system.

  • The vital advantage of Threadripper PRO is its memory capacity. Which has 8 channel DDR3 support clocked at 3200Mhz.

  • Supports 2 TB memory which is more than double than what Intel can offer. (If am not wrong)

  • Built-in Security layers to protect data from the security breach

  • Complete Memory encryption is available in this PRO Threadripper CPUs.

We could love to test this processor and give you our first-hand Experience. We are working on it.